A book! A book!

It’s crazy that I haven’t posted about it on my actual website yet. I guess the imposter syndrome demon didn’t want to jinx it. I won’t get into the ooey gooey details of how hard it was to get here, the ups and downs and failures, you’ve heard it all before. The important thing is, I’m making a book! My first book! For a real publisher and everything.

The book is called Welcome to the Forest: Harvest Party , the first in a four book early reader comic series being published by Andrew’s McMeel. It follows Mossman, Wallace, and the rest of their foresty friends as they prepare for Mossman’s Harvest party. 3 short story comics weave together into one fall-tastic package. It’s got pumpkins. It’s got apples. It’s got weird little guys. What more could you want?

When I have more news about pre-orders and release dates and fun stuff like that I will add to this blog post or make a new one. You could also subscribe to my email updates (I never send anything. But I’ll let u know book news in the future I swear. Maybe a coupon or something.) In the mean time, here is some development art from the book.